Saturday, December 9, 2017

The story of Me part 1

Hello everyone.
From the 11th to the 12th Ali and her family went to visit the grandparents. I came along, of course and had a wonderful time, but then I got stuck under the sheets in the bed, and Ali forgot me!
The grandparents found me, thankfully and have given me a nice place to stay, but I wont be able to post any pictures until Ali comes for Christmas and brings me home.
In the meantime, I will tell you my story.

My story began Christmas eve of 2011. Ali had been wanting a stuffed duck for a long time, and Santa knew how much she wanted one. So he gathered up all of us ducks in his workshop and examined each of us to see who would be right for Ali. After looking each one of us over thoroughly, he went into his office to think. Us ducks all waited eagerly outside the big guy's office and after what seemed like ages he stepped out and spoke. "I know how much every one of you ducks wants to be delivered to the house of Ali tonight, but only one of you is the perfect match. Delbert, congratulations, from this day forward, you will be Ali's stuffing-stuffed companion."

     I was so excited I almost screamed, but I'm too manly to do that. It was an excitement-packed evening as we got everything ready for the big night. Finally, Santa climbed onto the sleigh, and with a Now w, Dasher! Now w, Dancer! etc. we were off! It was the ride of a lifetime. Better than a roller coaster!

    When we finally arrived at Ali’s house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The big guy took me out of the sleigh, along with a bunch of other gifts, and headed down the chimney. He placed me in a chair with Ali’s other gifts and then came the boring part. Waiting. I was too excited to fall asleep, even though I was really tired. I did end up drifting off after a while though. After what seemed like an eternity, I heard everyone waking up. I straightened my bow tie and smoothed my feathers just before Ali came in. The moment I saw her it was love at first sight. 
     Ali is the best companion a duck could ever have and I am so glad Santa picked me. There is much more to my story so I will have to do a part two of this post. I hope you enjoyed!



A trip to Florida

Hey everyone! Over spring break I went to Florida with Allie's fam. ➢➢➢ Here we go! On the first day we went to a la...