Friday, April 27, 2018

The Sunshine Blogger award!

Hello, everyone. I have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Charlie at Picking Pineapples

So the rules are that you must:

Thank the person who nominated you (Thanks Charlie) and link their blog
Answer the 11 questions they gave you
Nominate other blogs and create 11 new questions for them
List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award on your post

So here are the questions!
1. What is your favorite season?  
I absolutely love summer. It's just really exciting and you can go to the beach and swim, and it's just super fun!

2. What is your biggest pet peeve? 
When people on the bus don't leave enough room on the luggage racks, and I have to sit under the seats where it's really uncomfortable. Like, have some respect for your fellow passengers, people!

3. Favorite series of books?  
The informational "for Dummies" books, my favorite being "Insurance for Dummies."

4. Why and when did you begin blogging?  
I started blogging because I like to travel and I thought it would be fun to share it with people. My first post was on October 18th of 2017.

5. What was the most embarrassing moment of your life? 
Ali's profile picture.

6. Do you have any nicknames? 
People used to call me Delbie to annoy me. It drove me crazy.

7. What do you enjoy doing over the summer?
Traveling, of course! Also just hanging around the house enjoying myself.

8. Beach or pool? 
For actual swimming, pool, 'cause the ocean isn't safe for small creatures like me. But, I really enjoy the scenery of the beach. 

9. What is your lockscreen picture of?

This picture of me by a creek.

10. Who was your first best friend? (not including siblings or stufties) 
How is a stuftie like me supposed to have a first best friend that's not a stuftie? My first best friend was a teddy bear named Jason. We did basketball together, and he was a really fun guy.

11. The most fun you ever had in your life? 
When I was younger I went grocery bag-parachuting. I'm not sure if I'd call that fun or terrifying, but that's all I can think of.

Now it is time for me to ask some questions

1. What is your favorite season?
2. What is your biggest pet peeve
3. Do you like to read?
4. Why and when did you begin blogging?
5. What is your earliest childhood memory?
6. Do you have a nickname?
7. What is your favorite summer treat? (ice cream, popsicles, etc.)
8. Beach or Pool?
9. What is your lockscreen picture?
10. What color are your eyes?
11. Where is the farthest you have ever traveled?

So that's it guys! I don't know of anyone in particular to tag, but if you want to do this go ahead.
 I hope you enjoyed this post!

Until next time,
- Delbert

A trip to Florida

Hey everyone! Over spring break I went to Florida with Allie's fam. ➢➢➢ Here we go! On the first day we went to a la...