Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Q&A Time!

Hello, everyone.  Today I am here with a Q&A!

What is your favorite way to travel?
I really like the bus. It's just so familiar and cozy.

What is your favorite place to stay during your travels?
Well, I like staying in hotels with great bonuses. There was one I stayed in with free popcorn in the evenings!

What is your favorite environment to travel to?
I really like mountains in general, but I also love the beach when it's warm.

What is your Hogwarts house?
I have taken a few tests and gotten both Ravenclaw and Griffindor and I feel like I kinda relate to both. So I guess I'm a Ravendor. Or a Griffinclaw.

I also decided while finding out my Hogwarts house to find my patronus, which is a weasel.

What kind of cheese is your favorite?
I'm a pretty simple guy, I like string cheese.

What is your favorite snack?
I like Swedish Fish and crackers.

What is your favorite place that you have traveled?
I had a really fun time a few years ago when I went to Colorado, and I think I would like to go somewhere like that again.

 Why did you start blogging?
I have always loved to travel, and on a small trip to our grandparents Allie's sister suggested that I should start blogging about my travels, and so I did.

Who inspires you?
Mother nature. It simply amazes me that anyone could create something so beautiful and diverse, while also being the basis of everything in this world.

So that was my Q&A! Thank you to everyone who submitted questions, I have really enjoyed doing this. Maybe I will do another in the future.

Peace out my friends

A trip to Florida

Hey everyone! Over spring break I went to Florida with Allie's fam. ➢➢➢ Here we go! On the first day we went to a la...